2009 Black Knowledge Bowl
Deadline for Registration: Friday, February 13, 2009
Black Knowledge Bowl: February 24, 2009 at 6:00 pm
N-MBCC Grand Hall
The 2009 Black Knowledge Bowl (BKB) to be held on February 24, 2009. The
Black Knowledge Bowl is hosted by the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center
(N-MBCC) during Black History Month. This year's event will take place in
the Grand Hall of the N-MBCC at 6:00pm.
Eligibility Requirements for the 2009 Black Knowledge Bowl
The BKB is a team competition. A team can consist of a minimum of three
students and maximum of four students. Each team is allowed an alternate;
the alternate contestant must be listed on the BKB team form at the time of
submission. Students eligible for this competition are:
* Enrolled as an undergraduate at Indiana University at the time of
submitting the BKB team contestant form
* Submit the attached Black Knowledge Bowl team member forms by the deadline
of Friday, February 13, 2009
This year the 2009 BKB will consist of the Jeopardy Television show format.
Students will be asked questions related to African American life, culture
and history. A study guide will be provided to all students competing in
this event. All BKB participants will receive a certificate for
participating. The winning team will receive a prize of $500.00, the 2nd
place team will receive $300.00, and the third place team will receive
$200.00. In addition, the Black Knowledge Bowl 1st place team will receive a
team trophy and have their team photo placed in the N-MBCC. Competing teams
are allowed to have team coaches. A team coach can be a student (graduate
or undergraduate) or a staff member. Teams can choose their team coach or
request to have one assigned to them by the Neal-Marshall Black Culture
Center. The team coach must be listed on the BKB form. Students employed by
the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center through work-study or graduate
assistantship are not eligible to compete on a team or serve as a team
No fee is required to register for this event. Both the Black Knowledge Bowl
Team Competition Registration Form and Black Knowledge Bowl Competition Team
Roster must be submitted to the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center office
located at 275 North Jordan Avenue Suite A226. The deadline for submission
is Friday, February 13, 2009 at 12:00p.m. You will receive a study guide
once your forms are submitted.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Call-out for Research/Papers on Native Americans and Higher Education
Call-out for Research/Papers on Native Americans and Higher Education
The Commission on Multicultural Understanding (COMU) and Native American
Graduate Students Association invite individuals to present their papers or
research surrounding the topic of Native Americans and Higher Education.
This session is one to be held on February 6, 2009 at 10:30am as part of day
long event entitled "Higher Education for Native Americans" on the Indiana
University Bloomington campus. If you wish to present your paper, please
email the title of your paper and a short summary to mlcasill@indiana.edu.
Deadline is January 30, 2009. Following the paper presentations there will
be a keynote given by Dr. Linda Warner, President, Haskell Indian Nations
The Commission on Multicultural Understanding (COMU) and Native American
Graduate Students Association invite individuals to present their papers or
research surrounding the topic of Native Americans and Higher Education.
This session is one to be held on February 6, 2009 at 10:30am as part of day
long event entitled "Higher Education for Native Americans" on the Indiana
University Bloomington campus. If you wish to present your paper, please
email the title of your paper and a short summary to mlcasill@indiana.edu.
Deadline is January 30, 2009. Following the paper presentations there will
be a keynote given by Dr. Linda Warner, President, Haskell Indian Nations
Annual Latino Leadership Conference Invite
The time has come again for our Annual Latino Leadership Conference. We are
proudly cosponsoring this year's event with IUPUI and IVY TECH. You may
begin to register now at
For IU students, you are welcome to submit your $10 registration fee at the
Latino Cultural Center (715 E. 7th Street) with a copy of your registration
form. Please know that your registration will not be valid until payment has
been received. Thank you!
The time has come again for our Annual Latino Leadership Conference. We are
proudly cosponsoring this year's event with IUPUI and IVY TECH. You may
begin to register now at
For IU students, you are welcome to submit your $10 registration fee at the
Latino Cultural Center (715 E. 7th Street) with a copy of your registration
form. Please know that your registration will not be valid until payment has
been received. Thank you!
This summer: June 6 - August 1, 2009 Georgetown University, Washington, DC
This fast-paced Institute offers a rigorous combination of professional experience, academic learning and service projects that will provide students with an unparalleled experience in the nation's capital.
* Internships - Competitive placements with leading nonprofit organizations
* Classes - Up to 9 credit hours from Georgetown University
* Housing - Furnished on-campus apartments
* Service - Variety of hands-on community projects
* Guest Lectures - With Washington's top nonprofit executives and scholars
* Leadership Development - Leadership, mentoring and career building activities
* Scholarships - Over half of all students receive full or partial funding
* Networking - With hundreds of other top student and nonprofit leaders from around the world
For more information or to request a brochure, please visit the website at www.dcinternships.org/ipvs<http://www.dcinternships.org/ipvs>. For more information on this exciting opportunity, please contact Emily Hill, IPVS Coordinator, by phone at 1-800-741-6964 or via email at ipvs@tfas.org<https://www.exchange.iu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=7d598fdf9fc74ea98c112fb71e80cf90&URL=mailto%3aipvs%40tfas.org>.
This summer: June 6 - August 1, 2009 Georgetown University, Washington, DC
This fast-paced Institute offers a rigorous combination of professional experience, academic learning and service projects that will provide students with an unparalleled experience in the nation's capital.
* Internships - Competitive placements with leading nonprofit organizations
* Classes - Up to 9 credit hours from Georgetown University
* Housing - Furnished on-campus apartments
* Service - Variety of hands-on community projects
* Guest Lectures - With Washington's top nonprofit executives and scholars
* Leadership Development - Leadership, mentoring and career building activities
* Scholarships - Over half of all students receive full or partial funding
* Networking - With hundreds of other top student and nonprofit leaders from around the world
For more information or to request a brochure, please visit the website at www.dcinternships.org/ipvs<http://www.dcinternships.org/ipvs>. For more information on this exciting opportunity, please contact Emily Hill, IPVS Coordinator, by phone at 1-800-741-6964 or via email at ipvs@tfas.org<https://www.exchange.iu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=7d598fdf9fc74ea98c112fb71e80cf90&URL=mailto%3aipvs%40tfas.org>.
Volunteer Opportunity
Apply to be an A.C.E.
Are you passionate about community service, leadership, and advocacy? Do you want a job that makes a difference?
Apply to be an ACE! The Advocates for Community Engagement (ACEs) are IU undergraduates who serve as liaisons between service-learning students and local non-profits. Through the support of paid undergraduate assistantships with the Office of Service-Learning, each ACE serves with a specific agency for at least two semesters. New ACEs will have the opportunity to take a 3-credit course required for participation in the program in the Spring of 2010, L306: From Local to Global. The ACE program also provides leadership development and a campus community of peers for students of diverse backgrounds who have a common commitment to service.
Open positions include (but are not limited to): My Sister's Closet, Boys and Girls Club, Hilltop Garden and Nature Center, Volunteers In Medicine, and Headstart.
To learn more or to apply on-line, visit http://www.indiana.edu/~copsl/aces.shtml<https://www.exchange.iu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=d6df1433630c456e87662062c2311877&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.indiana.edu%2f%7ecopsl%2faces.shtml>.
Deadline for applications: February 20th, 2009
Are you passionate about community service, leadership, and advocacy? Do you want a job that makes a difference?
Apply to be an ACE! The Advocates for Community Engagement (ACEs) are IU undergraduates who serve as liaisons between service-learning students and local non-profits. Through the support of paid undergraduate assistantships with the Office of Service-Learning, each ACE serves with a specific agency for at least two semesters. New ACEs will have the opportunity to take a 3-credit course required for participation in the program in the Spring of 2010, L306: From Local to Global. The ACE program also provides leadership development and a campus community of peers for students of diverse backgrounds who have a common commitment to service.
Open positions include (but are not limited to): My Sister's Closet, Boys and Girls Club, Hilltop Garden and Nature Center, Volunteers In Medicine, and Headstart.
To learn more or to apply on-line, visit http://www.indiana.edu/~copsl/aces.shtml<https://www.exchange.iu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=d6df1433630c456e87662062c2311877&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.indiana.edu%2f%7ecopsl%2faces.shtml>.
Deadline for applications: February 20th, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
INROADS is a career development organization that provides career and
leadership development through PAID summer internships experiences for high
achieving minority college students. INROADS is annually ranked among the
top ten internships in the country by Vault.com. Opportunities are
currently available in the Great Lakes Region for qualified applicants.
INROADS is selective with full consideration given to students who have
established a college GPA of "B" or higher and are majoring in: Business,
Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Information Technology, Retail Management,
Health Care and Engineering. Students selected for the INROADS Process
attend 4-year colleges and universities, agree to participate in required
career and leadership development workshops and monthly advising sessions
with an INROADS staff advisor. For more information contact
cmclean@inroads.org and see www.inroads.org/.
INROADS is a career development organization that provides career and
leadership development through PAID summer internships experiences for high
achieving minority college students. INROADS is annually ranked among the
top ten internships in the country by Vault.com. Opportunities are
currently available in the Great Lakes Region for qualified applicants.
INROADS is selective with full consideration given to students who have
established a college GPA of "B" or higher and are majoring in: Business,
Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Information Technology, Retail Management,
Health Care and Engineering. Students selected for the INROADS Process
attend 4-year colleges and universities, agree to participate in required
career and leadership development workshops and monthly advising sessions
with an INROADS staff advisor. For more information contact
cmclean@inroads.org and see www.inroads.org/.
What: “XXY” (read on to find out what that means.)
When: January 26 ~
Time: 7pm
Place: the Read Residence Hall’s, Community & Leadership Development Center
Description: Come join us for a FREE showing of the award-winning film. XXY
is a 2007 Argentine film written and directed by Lucía Puenzo. It tells the
story of a 15-year-old intersex person: the way her family copes, and the
ultimate decision that she must eventually make as she explores her
sexuality. XXY has received widespread critical acclaim, winning the
Critics' Week grand prize at the 2007 Cannes film festival, as well as the
ACID/CCAS Support Award. It was nominated for eight awards at the 2008
Argentine Film Critics Association Awards, and was nominated or won awards
at a number of other foreign film festivals. The film's title is in
reference to the many children are born intersexed. (Intersex is a general
term for many genetic conditions in which a person is born with something
other than the standard male or standard female anatomy.) A brief discussion
after the film will be led by Cindy Stone, a local volunteer with ISNA*
(*The Intersex Society of North America). The XXY film presentation is open
to everyone, both students and non-students, and is sponsored by: La Casa,
Commission on Multicultural Understanding, The Community and Leadership
Development Center and CommUNITY Education Program.
When: January 26 ~
Time: 7pm
Place: the Read Residence Hall’s, Community & Leadership Development Center
Description: Come join us for a FREE showing of the award-winning film. XXY
is a 2007 Argentine film written and directed by Lucía Puenzo. It tells the
story of a 15-year-old intersex person: the way her family copes, and the
ultimate decision that she must eventually make as she explores her
sexuality. XXY has received widespread critical acclaim, winning the
Critics' Week grand prize at the 2007 Cannes film festival, as well as the
ACID/CCAS Support Award. It was nominated for eight awards at the 2008
Argentine Film Critics Association Awards, and was nominated or won awards
at a number of other foreign film festivals. The film's title is in
reference to the many children are born intersexed. (Intersex is a general
term for many genetic conditions in which a person is born with something
other than the standard male or standard female anatomy.) A brief discussion
after the film will be led by Cindy Stone, a local volunteer with ISNA*
(*The Intersex Society of North America). The XXY film presentation is open
to everyone, both students and non-students, and is sponsored by: La Casa,
Commission on Multicultural Understanding, The Community and Leadership
Development Center and CommUNITY Education Program.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
WHEN: TUESDAY, January 20, 2009
TIME: 7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Are you seeking ways in which to improve upon your public speaking or communication skills, or looking to increase your chances of making a favorable impression when interviewing for that dream job? If you are, then you should attend the Emerging Leaders Toastmasters Club Spring Semester Callout!
Toastmasters has helped millions of people to improve upon their speaking delivery, become more confident and competent as public speakers, and prepare for their future careers. This is the one organization where you can gain expert instruction from your peers on how to improve upon your speaking style, or how you can increase the communication strengths that you already have!
Come visit. Come on out. There is no obligation to join right away, just an opportunity to see how you can improve upon your delivery and start preparing early for your career! Please see the attachment to this e-mail!
WHEN: TUESDAY, January 20, 2009
TIME: 7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Are you seeking ways in which to improve upon your public speaking or communication skills, or looking to increase your chances of making a favorable impression when interviewing for that dream job? If you are, then you should attend the Emerging Leaders Toastmasters Club Spring Semester Callout!
Toastmasters has helped millions of people to improve upon their speaking delivery, become more confident and competent as public speakers, and prepare for their future careers. This is the one organization where you can gain expert instruction from your peers on how to improve upon your speaking style, or how you can increase the communication strengths that you already have!
Come visit. Come on out. There is no obligation to join right away, just an opportunity to see how you can improve upon your delivery and start preparing early for your career! Please see the attachment to this e-mail!
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