Thursday, September 10, 2009
The HHSP Blog Has Moved
Monday, August 31, 2009
Emerging Leaders Toastmaster Meeting
Are you looking for an effective way to jumpstart your career preparation? Are you looking for ways to become confident and self assure? Then you should seriously consider attending the Emerging Leaders Toastmasters meetings. Our first club meeting is on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
This year promises to be a fun and exciting year! As a matter of fact, we have achieved “charted club” status! You will learn more about our chartered status at the meeting.
WHAT: Emerging Leaders Toastmasters Meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, September 1, 2009
WHERE: IMU Redbud Room
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 28, 2009
LAMP Accepting Applications Soon
The Liberal Arts and Management Program (LAMP) will be accepting applications from September 1 – October 1. Apply online at
Are you interested in majoring in the College of Arts and Sciences but also learning about business, management and leadership? Do you enjoy studying multiple points of view? If you answered “yes” then LAMP might be the right place for you. What is LAMP you ask? LAMP is an honors interdisciplinary program offered by the College of Arts and Sciences in cooperation with the Kelley School of Business. It allows students the opportunity to have a major in the College but take classes in the business school that enhance management and leadership skills. LAMP students are drawn from the full range of majors within the College—from Biochemistry to Theater & Drama. Students can complete either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science, and many LAMP students pursue a double major.
At LAMP students don’t just learn inside the classroom, we provide a wide variety of co curricular programs for students to get involved in. During any given week a student could attend a Master Class with the CEO of Clorox, have lunch with the Sudan Desk Officer from the US State Department , and attend a workshop on preparing for a career fair. We encourage students to pursue all their passions, whether that is multiple majors, overseas study, or internship experience. We are here to make sure that students can get the most out of their 4 years at Indiana University.
Learn More About LAMP at an Information Session:
Wednesday, September 2nd at 5:00pm in Ballantine 015If none of the above times work for you, please feel free to schedule an appointment with the LAMP academic advisor by calling, (812) 856-4966. For the most up to date information regarding the application and frequently asked questions, visit the LAMP website at
Tuesday, September 8th at 6:00pm in Woodburn 106
Wednesday, September 16th at 5:00pm in Ballantine 015
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Prelaw/Premed Orientation Meetings
PRELAW ORIENTATION with Frank Motley, Dean of Admission IUB Law School and HPPLC Director/Prelaw Advisor Mac Francis: Tuesday, September 8, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. (Quiet latecomers welcome). Law School Room 123 (corner of 3rd and Indiana).
PREMED ORIENTATION with Dr. Rachel Tolen, HPPLC Assistant Director and Premed Advisor. Tuesday, September 15, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Indiana Memorial Union, Whittenberger Auditorium.
These meetings are sponsored by IU’s Health Professions and Prelaw Center (HPPLC), located across from the Union in Maxwell Hall 010. Get to know this office. They are dedicated to helping you become a well-prepared and successful applicant to professional school. Freshmen are strongly encouraged to meet with a preprofessional advisor.
Regardless of whether you can make these meetings, all Prelaw and Premed students should:
- Register for your area’s email list. Go to, and click the link for “Email Lists.” It takes 20 seconds. You will receive email only for your area of interest and year in school.
- Review the material for your area at the above address.
- Take a look at the HPPLC calendar of preprofessional events: Try to attend as many of these events as possible.
- Make an individual appointment to meet with a preprofessional advisor. Just call 812.855.1873. You may also email HPPLC directly at
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"AsianFest at the Farmer's Market"
"Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month"
The Fourth Annual Latino Congratulatory Ceremony
May 9th 6:30pm at the Grand Hall of the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center (275 N.
Jordan Avenue)
Description: You are cordially invited to attend the Indiana University Fourth Annual Latino Congratulatory Ceremony. Parking is available in the parking lot across from the street from the center. For more information and to RSVP no later than May 1st, please contact us at or call (812) 855-0174.
Indiana-Ecuador Partnership for Sustainable Development
April 27th 7:00pm in the Maple Room, IMU
The Indiana-Ecuador Partnership for Sustainable Development is a new organization devoted to promoting and implementing sustainable development internationally. We seek not only to raise awareness about strategies for achieving development that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable, but also to put theory into practice by engaging students in a community development project in San Gerardo-- our partner community in the Ecuadorian Andes. We facilitate internship and service-learning opportunities for students with our partner development NGOs in Ecuador in the areas of health, education, microfinance, agriculture, education, and sustainable tourism, among others. This spring, we are beginning to fill positions for the fall of 2009 in our five working groups: Microenterprise Project Development, Outreach and Development, Sustainable Development Outreach, Grant Writing, and Fundraising.
Although we will accept applications until September 18th, 2009, we invite you to submit your application at your earliest convenience to facilitate the process and to attend our informational meeting on Monday April 27th, 2009 at 7:00pm in the Maple Room of the Indiana Memorial Union. We invite you to contact us with any questions and to submit your application to
We also invite you to learn more about us at:
The “De-stress Fest” For Final Exams
FREE workshops teach you skills to reduce your final exams stress! RSVP for
workshops at )'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';">
Monday April 27
3:15-4:45pm @ CAPS “Mindfulness: Managing STRESS Through Acceptance”
workshop with Andrea Maltese, L.C.S.W.
Tuesday April 28
1-2pm @ Wells E174 “Relaxation Skills” workshop with Dr. Carolyn Lee
6-8pm @ Wells lobby seated chair massage, make-your-own stress balls, &
relaxation CD’s
Wednesday April 29
11-2pm @ Wells lobby seated chair massage, make-your-own stress balls, &
relaxation CD’s
1-2pm @ Wells E174 “How to Nurture Yourself Through Final Exams“
workshop with Dr. Cathy Kocarek
6-8pm @ Wells lobby seated chair massage, make-your-own stress balls, &
relaxation CD’s
Sponsored by Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) and Health &
Wellness Education, of the IU Health Center.
Kaplan Summer NCLEX Program
The class will take place on June 6th and 7th and the following Saturday and Sunday on the 13th and 14th.
It is a complete classroom course which included Qbank, Question Trainer, and More!!
-Learn how to think your way through the exam
-Gain 3 months access to an online study center to review exam style questions and essential nursing content while making the most of your study time
-Higher Score Guaranteed!!
If you are interested in learning more or you have specific questions, please contact Kaplan at 1-800-Kaptest or visit us online at
Don't miss out on this great summer NCLEX class!!!
Keely Davenport
Marketing Manager
Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions
Higher Scores Guaranteed!! Register at 1-800-KAP-TEST or
Thursday, April 16, 2009
performance at Buffa Louie's on Saturday, April 25, 2009, 10pm.
114 S Indiana Ave
Bloomington, IN 47408
(812) 333-3030
Tickets: $6 at the door
For more information please contact the AAAI Marketing Office at
(812)855-5427 or visit our website at
You don't want to miss this exciting concert! We hope to see you there!
Senior Send-Off Banquet
This is a reminder that the Senior send off banquet will be held on Sunday, April 19th from 5pm-7pm in the IMU Tudor Room. This event is mandatory for All seniors. Though all scholars are welcome to attend.
Distinguished Scholars with a 3.7 GPA or Higher will also be recognized.
We we look forward to seeing you this Sunday, April 19th
-HHSP Staff.
Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. $ 200 Scholarship
-Must be a woman attending Indiana University
-Must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5
-Include an unofficial transcript with application
-Must answer all of the questions in the application (print out the application from
-Must express a desire to support the ideals of sisterhood, scholarship, service, leadership and multiculturalism
-Cannot be a member of any chapter of Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Inc.
Due Date: April 22th, 2009
Mail application and other materials to:
Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
IMU Student Activites Organization Office room 371
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
Questions -
Internship with the IRS
The Washington Center is seeking applicants for internship opportunities with the Internal Revenue Service in Florence, Kentucky for summer 2009. An internship with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) would provide students with substantial financial assistance as well as housing in Florence, KY for the duration of the internship. For priority consideration at the IRS, students need to submit materials by Wednesday April 22, 2009. After that date, applicants will be considered on a space-available basis.
This program gives interns the opportunity to develop skills, make professional contacts, build their resumes and explore future career opportunities within the IRS. Students will need to commit to 10-weeks at the agency, beginning in late May.
With the IRS, students are given a lot of leverage to make their own projects and pursue their own interests. Work will be substantive in nature; the exact tasks will vary by major and interest area.
Applicants must:
* be U.S. citizens.
* have a 3.5 GPA or above.
* be enrolled as a junior or senior undergraduate student in fall 2009.
Desired Majors: Humanities, History, Political Science, Communications, Business, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Finance, Liberal Arts, and other related majors.
Compensation: Interns will receive financial assistance covering the cost of housing and will also be awarded a bimonthly stipend. Those who do not need housing in Florence will have their stipends adjusted accordingly.
Application Procedures: Send a resume, a short statement of interest and an unofficial transcript to The Washington Center's Office of Federal Relations at by Wednesday April 22.
With any questions about the IRS opportunities available through The Washington Center, please contact Danielle Gaquin at or (202)238-7906.
The Washington Center
1333 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202)238-7900
E-mail:'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';">
LeaderShape 2009
LeaderShape is one of THE Premier College Student Leadership development program in the country! As a Hoosier you have the opportunity to attend the 2009 Session completely FREE!
This highly interactive and energizing program provides the tools for individuals to:
- Develop and enrich relationships
- Act consistently with core ethical values, personal values, and convictions
- Respect the dignity and contribution of all people
- Believe in a healthy disregard for the impossible
- Produce extraordinary results!
LeadrShape is highly recommended for students who are members of student organizations, especially if they hold leadership positions within those orgs. It is also recommended for all current student leaders and rising leaders!
Applications are still being accepted to attend. Visit the application website at For more information on LeaderShape across the country visit the LeaderShape website at
This year's IU LeaderShape Session will be held May 20 - 25, 2009 at the Waycross Camp & Conference Center
For more information on IU LeaderShape contact:
Connor McIntyre Zach Friedrichs
Director of Student Programs VP of Leadership Development
IU Alumni Association Student Alumni Association
Friday, April 3, 2009
BSU Presents: A Collaboration Event with the School of Informatics
Date: April 8th, 2009
Time: 7pm
Place: Kelly School of Business Room 213
Technology is everywhere and will influence your life whether you want it to or not! Come hear about current and future technologies and how to protect yourself from the potential dangers and threats associated with them. Session includes information about social networking sites like Facebook, valued customer rewards cards (Kroger Plus Cards, March fresh Idea Cards), Smart Homes, Cell Phone and iPod technologies, Twitter, YouTube, Cars that drive themselves, and Lifesaving technologies that are concerned with things like Diabetes and preventing military casualties. Session also includes real world applications of technology and how it affects each and every person. Learn how you can be a part of the future including a snapshot at what the School of Informatics has to offer and hear from our panel members regarding their experience with technology in both academia and industry.
Feel free to contact Corinthe Harris via email with any questions at
All are welcome - Free Pizza!Speaker and panel moderator: Corinthe Harris, IU School of InformaticsPanel members include:Dr. Raquel Hill-Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Adjunct Professor of InformaticsDr. Gregory Rawlins-Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer ScienceMegan Lewis-Attorney and IU Informatics Alum, Mallor Clendening Grodner & Bohrer, LLPMark Harris -Chief Information Officer, Indianapolis Fire DepartmentVeldez Joshua-Student IU School of Informatics & Corresponding Secretary
Informatics Incentives
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Teach for America
I am writing to encourage you to consider the Campus Campaign Coordinator position, for which we are currently hiring for the 2009-2010 academic year. Campus Campaign Coordinators (CCCs) are undergraduate students who play a critical role in effecting social change by inspiring outstanding students on their campuses to join Teach For America. CCCs develop and execute a strategic plan to recruit talented and diverse students to apply to Teach For America, build support for Teach For America and issues surrounding educational inequity through event planning and relationship-building on campus, and increase Teach For America's visibility on campus through the execution of mass publicity strategies (e-mail, campus press, hanging posters and flyers, etc.).
Our team is accepting applications through March 27. If you have any questions about the position please feel free to contact Lee Robbins at
Take care,
Remember the people who helped you succeed?
Teach For being a role model for others.
Lee Robbins
Recruitment Associate ~ Indiana Recruitment Team
Teach For America
(202) 552-2430
The American Play

Suzan-Lori Parks (who visited IU last year as our Ralph L.
Collins Memorial Lecturer) has written a play that truly espouses her
vision. "History-the destruction and creation of it through theater pieces
and how Black people fit into all of this-is my primary concern."
Meet the Foundling Father, an African American man dressed as Abraham
Lincoln as he works the Hall of Wonders allowing tourists of all kinds to
"assassinate" him over and over. He is quite chummy with the regulars. As
THE AMERICA PLAY dissects Abraham Lincoln's story it opens up a great hole
in our culture. This is an opportunity to see what's in the hole and share
in a truly unique theatrical experience.
Directed by Edris Cooper-Anifowoshe, THE AMERICA PLAY opens Friday, March
27, at 7:30 p.m. and continues Saturday, March 28, and Tuesday through
Saturday, April 4.
In addition to the performance, we invited you to Circle Sunday. This
Sunday, March 29, Professor Marlon M. Bailey will present "Buried History in
THE AMERICA PLAY." Circle Sunday takes place at 3:00 p.m. Sunday March 29 in
the Wells-Metz Theatre. This event is free and open to anyone. We hope you
will spread the word.
No matter what performance you see, we invited you back Tuesday, March 31,
after the show for a talk-back with the cast and director (maybe a designer
or two) where you can ask questions and share your thoughts about the show.
Ticket prices range from $12-$20. For ticket information call the IU
Auditorium Box Office at 855-1103 or Order tickets online at
For more information about the show, meet the cast, see the press release
and hear an interview with director Edris Cooper-Anifowoshe and actor Jamaal
McCray, just click on this link
See you there!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Another Letter From Mimi
The newsletter staff invite you to share your community service and volunteer experiences. Were you inspired or deeply moved by someone? Did you have a "life-altering" or "eye-opening" experience? Did you make life-long friends or find a career path? In other words, how did your community service and volunteer experience impact your life? You have complete freedom with the content and your story can be as short as 100 words or less. (Feel free to write more than 100 words, but try to limit to 250 words.)Please, send your stories to Mimi Attenoukon at Please copy and paste "HHSP Student Newsletter -- Community Service Stories" in the subject line.
Thanks for your time and cooperation.
Best wishes,
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month - Annual Creative Writing Contest 2009
Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, March 24, 2009.
The Indiana University Asian Culture Center, with co-sponsorship from the IU
Creative Writing Program, Hutton Honors College, Office of Multicultural
Initiatives, and The Office of Vice President for International Affairs is
proud to announce its annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Creative
Writing Contest.
Who can submit? The contest is open to all IUB undergraduate students.
Contest Theme:
The broad theme for the contest is "The Many Meanings of Diversity:
Challenges, Paradoxes, and Opportunities." We are looking for creative
examinations of issues in ethnicity, race, gender, identity, disability,
age, class, religion, and diversity in the American experience through three
genres in creative writing: short fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction.
This year's theme is meant not only to have the contestants think about the
varied definitions of diversity, but also to examine how these apply or
relate to Asian Americans.
Criteria for Judging and Prizes:
The submissions will be evaluated on the creative quality of their
expressions as they address this topic. Emphasis will be placed on the
literary merit of the pieces in determining the winners.
Prizes for the first, second, and third place winners include:
1st Prize - IPOD Touch (16 GB) plus reading the essay on March 27, 2009
2nd prize - IPOD Nano
3rd prize - $100 Gift card
All winning entries will be posted in the ACC website. The winners will be
announced at the APA Heritage Month Opening Lunch Reception, Friday, March
27, 2009 at 12 noon, Presidents' Room, University Club, Indiana Memorial
Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, March 24, 2009.
You may submit your entries to: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. Tenth Street,
Bloomington, IN 47408, fax it to 856-5030 or email to
You may submit a short story, a poem, or a creative nonfiction* piece. There
will be no separate winners in the three categories. The entries will be
judged by a Creative Writing Program faculty member, who will select the top
three winners irrespective of the genre. You may submit up to one entry for
each category. Each entry should have two title pages as follows: the first
should include the title, author's name, permanent address, phone number,
email address, and include: "Asian Pacific American Heritage Creative
Writing Contest."
The second title page should include the title only. The author's name
should not appear on the manuscript except on the first title page. All
submissions should use a 12-point size and should be typed or printed on a
letter-quality printer. Prose (both creative nonfiction and short
fiction) must be double-spaced and should not exceed 1,000 words; poetry
must be single-spaced should not exceed 25 lines.
* Creative nonfiction is defined as writing that employs literary techniques
and artistic vision usually associated with fiction or poetry
to report on actual persons and events.
Indiana University
807 E. Tenth Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
(812) 856-5361
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Letter from MIMI!
First, I want to thank all those students who have shared with me their achievements or the achievements of their friends. Nonetheless, we want to hear from more of you. With 600 plus students in the program, I am doubtful that only 12 students have made achievements. Please, do not be shy or modest! There is no such thing as a small or insignificant achievement! We want to recognize students who have been have been admitted in a program, received an internship or job offer, received a scholarship or other type of award, have been admitted to graduate, law, medical school, have won competitions, been placed on the Dean's list, and anything else I forgot to mention.
Again, do not be shy or modest! We want to celebrate your achievements! You deserve to be recognized for your efforts!
Second, we realize that many of you are active on campus and in the community. Thus, we want to support and help publicize your participation in athletic events, contests, poetry readings, band performances, dance performances, Little 500 competitions, fund raising efforts, conference presentations, art exhibitions, etc.
Please share your information with us by emailing Mimi Attenoukon at Please copy and paste "HHSP Student Newsletter -- Student achievements and activities" in the subject line.
Thanks for your time and cooperation.
Best wishes,
How to Answer 10 Tough Interview Questions

Dear Scholars, I just read this CNN article "How to answer 10 tough interview questions". Some of you may have read many books and articles on this matter already. But I still encourage you to read the article because it provides great examples of strong and good responses to these questions. You could use the examples as models when you prepare for future interviews. The link to the article is provided below:
Happy reading!
Best wishes,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Matters of Choice: Puerto Rican Women's Struggle for Reproductive Freedom
Matters of Choice: Puerto Rican Women's Struggle for Reproductive Freedom
2:30-3:30pm in Ballantine Hall 004 Professor Iris López will be discussing
her most recent book, Matters of Choice: Puerto Rican Women's Struggle for
Reproductive Freedom (Rutgers University Press, 2008)as part of IU's Women's
History Month Lecture Series. Sponsored by Latino Studies and the Office of
Women's Affairs.
Description: In this talk Dr. Lopez will present a comprehensive analysis of
the dichotomous views that have portrayed Puerto Rican women as victims of
sterilization abuse or active agents that exercise complete reproductive
freedom. Drawing upon twenty-five years of research on sterilized Puerto
Rican women from five different families in Brooklyn, New York, she
untangles the interplay between how women make fertility decisions within
their social, economic, cultural, and historical constraints. Professor
López will read a few excerpts from the stories of the women she worked
with, and present her model of reproductive freedom, which transcends
victim/agent debates and proposes a broader definition of reproductive
rights within a feminist anthropological context.
"Mindfulness with Male Youth: Growing Up Mindfully in the Age of Obama."
"Mindfulness with Male Youth: Growing Up Mindfully in the Age of Obama."
5pm at La Casa (715 E 7th St.)
Join us for a workshop involving strategies to help deal with stresses that
young men experience, including: the pressure to uphold aspects of
conventional masculinity (e.g., stoicism, toughness, competitiveness), as
well as machismo, reactivity, and trauma. This workshop will focus on
meditative practice, the higher development of consciousness,
self-awareness, openness to others, and higher masculine identity
Bio: David Forbes, Ph.D. teaches School Counseling and is
coordinator of the School Counseling program at Brooklyn College/CUNY in New
York. He is the author of Boyz 2 Buddhas: Counseling Urban High School Male
Athletes in the Zone (Peter Lang, 2004).
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The African American Arts Institute is gearing up for their 2009 Spring Concert Season

The African American Arts Institute is gearing up for their 2009
Spring Concert Season. All of the ensembles are working very hard to give
you the best shows in town! So, make sure you do not miss these exciting
The African American Dance Company Spring Concert is April 4, 2009 at 8pm at
the Buskirk-Chumley Theater. The African American Choral Ensemble Spring
Concert is April 11, 2009 at the John Waldron Arts Center Auditorium. The
IU Soul Revue Spring Concert is May 2, 2009 at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater.
Tickets for these events are as follows: Adults $17, Students (limit 2 per
ID) & Children $7, for group tickets of 10 or more $15 for Adults and $5 for
Children 12 and under (must be advanced purchase).
For more information please contact the AAAI Marketing Office at
(812)855-5427 or visit our website at
Indiana University's 59th Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European, and Central Asian Languages
\Bloomington, Indiana
For more information, visit the SWSEEL website:<>
Or email:
-Priority applications (for funding purposes) due March 20
-Apply through the SWSEEL website
-All students pay in-state tuition.
-Over 20 hours of weekly instruction
-Complete 1 full academic year of language study in 8 weeks!
-FLAS fellowships and other funding available (see website)
Languages and Levels Offered in 2009:
Azerbaijani 1-2
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian* 1
Czech 1
Georgian 1-2
Hungarian 1
Kazakh 1-2
Macedonian* 1
Mongolian 1
Pashto 1
Romanian* 1
Polish 1
Russian 1-6
Slovene 1
Tajik 1-2
Turkmen 1-2
Uyghur 1-2
Uzbek 1-2
Ukrainian 1
Kaplan Practice Test
Dear Scholars,
So that KAPLAN will come prepared Saturday with an accurate count of test materials for everyone, sophomores and juniors planning to take the practice exams need to register. There are 3 ways to register:
1) You can register on-line at<>.
2) You can call 1-800-kaptest.
3) You can email Keely Davenport at In your email, please provide the following:
* your name,
* mention that you are HHSP,
* email address,
* and phone number.
If you have any questions, please, contact me, Mimi Attenoukon, at
Asian Pacific American Heritage Creative Writing Contest
Contest Theme: The broad theme for the contest is "The Many Meanings of Diversity: Challenges, Paradoxes, and Opportunities." We are looking for creative examinations of issues in ethnicity, race, gender, identity, disability, age, class, religion, and diversity in the American experience through three genres in creative writing: short fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction. This year's theme is meant not only to have the contestants think about the varied definitions of diversity, but also to examine how these apply or relate to Asian Americans.
Criteria for Judging and Prizes:
The submissions will be evaluated on the creative quality of their expressions as they address this topic. Emphasis will be placed on the literary merit of the pieces in determining the winners.
Prizes for the first, second, and third place winners include:
1st Prize - IPOD Touch (16 GB) plus (reading their essay at the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month reception on March 27, 2009 at 12 noon, University Club, Indiana Memorial Union.
2nd prize - IPOD Nano
3rd prize - $100 Gift card
All winning entries will be posted in the ACC website. The winners will be announced at the APA Heritage Month Opening Lunch Reception, Friday, March 27, 2009 at 12 noon, Presidents' Room, University Club, Indiana Memorial Union.
Redefinition of Identity
Sponsored by IU Asian Culture Center in partnership with the Office of Women's Affairs, GLBT Student Services, and Indiana Memorial Union
Date: Thursday, March 5
Time: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Venue: Neal Marshall Black Culture Center Grand Hall, 275 N. Jordan Avenue
Description: Magdalen will be conducting a lecture interspersed with songs that will address how we can begin to raise diversity awareness in ourselves and in our community. She will be performing songs from her newest CD "Smashing the Ceiling." Her songs visually portray what she sees with her painter's eyes while addressing universal themes about identity, spirituality, the search for consciousness, love, loss, and relationships. A graduate of the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design and Berklee College of Music, Magdalen has a Bachelor of Fine Art in Painting (Cum Laude) and a Bachelor of Music (Summa Cum Laude) in Songwriting from Berklee College of Music. Reception to follow after the concert.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Lets Talk Salsa Over Coffee

African American Dance Company Dance Workshop
Fullbright Grant Informationals

Are a U.S. citizen, and Are a graduating senior; hold a B.S./B.A. degree; are a master's or doctoral degree candidate; or are a young professional or artist, and
Are thinking of studying, teaching or conducting research abroad, and
Are in good health you could be one of more than 1,500 students who receive a Fulbright grant each year to go overseas. The U.S. Student Fulbright Program operates in more than 140 countries worldwide; grants are available in all fields of study. For detailed information on your eligibility, awards available, and the application process, please review the pages on this Web site.
Learn more at a Fulbright Program information session this semester.
Comefor a full session including a Q&A, or stop by any time to pick up brochuresand sign up to receive additional information by email.
Information also available at the Career Fair (see below).
20 min. presentations will begin at 2pm and 3pm for each session followed by Q&A.
Locations, dates and times:
BALLANTINE 005 Friday February 27, 2009, 2 - 4:30pm
Friday March 13, 2009, 2 - 4:30pm
Friday April 24, 2009, 2 - 4:30pm
BUSINESS 111 Friday April 3, 2009,2-4:30
Friday April 17, 2009, 2-4:30
MEMORIAL UNION - ALUMNI HALL Thursday April 9, 1-4pm -
You can pick up information and ask questionsabout Fulbright Grants at the Career Fair.Resources at IU for more information and help preparing your application:
1) Paul Fogleman, Fulbright Adviser, Office for InternationalAffairsTel. (812) 855-3948; Email:
2) The Grad Grants Center in room E651 in the Wells LibraryTel. (812) 855-5281; Email:; Website: on the web at:
Saturday, March 28 - Live From Bloomington Food Drive Saturday,
May 9 - National Association for Letter Carriers Food Drive In 2008,
These two Food Drives collected a total of 42,000 pounds of food donations for the Food Bank! YOU can be a part of such tremendous help! We are looking for volunteers to assist us in picking up food from various neighborhoods throughout Bloomington. If you are interested, please contact:
Kim KanneyVolunteer CoordinatorHoosier Hills Food

Come Join HHSP and the HHSP Scholars Council at the upcoming IU WOMENS B-BALL GAME, sunday march 1st at 2p.m. ! Following is a letter from council President Danielle Cave:
Dear Scholars,
I can't wait to see you all at Scholars Day with the IU Women's Basketball Team, Sunday, March 1, 2 p.m., Assembly Hall! All organizations will meet in the south bleachers, behind the pep band. We will cheer if you wear organization or departmental shirts or jackets; we would also love to see organization signs, as well as signs that say "IU Scholars Day"-we want the TV cameras to pick up the event! Prizes will be awarded at the end of the game, so stick around! I will be there in the south bleachers behind the pep band!!!!!!! Please wear HHSP or IU gear and help us cheer on the Lady Hoosiers!
Also, you are all invited to a pregame reception hosted by the Office of Women's Affairs to kick off Women's History Month, 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Memorial Stadium Club Level (below the press box). If you are interested in attending that event, please e-mail:
See you at the game!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Free Practice Test (kaplan)

Dear HHSP Sophomores and Juniors,
Keely Davenport of KAPLAN is giving practice exams to a group of 3 students for this Thursday, Feb. 26 at 3PM. She has room for 2 more students at that time. If there are a few students who can take a practice test this Thursday afternoon please, email Keely Davenport at
If you were unable to take a practice exam this past Saturday and can not take the exam this Thursday, you still have an opportunity during Walk in Wednesdays. Anyone can come into the Kaplan Center; but mind you, it is 1st come 1st serve, starting at 3 pm; the test center closes at 9 pm.
From Mimi
I have recently become active in a social justice group at the First United Methodist Church; our group learned about a refugee family from Sudan. Philip, who is in the 6th grade, is falling behind in reading and math and is in need of (free) tutoring. The family would like to have 1-2 volunteers per week to assist. Would any of you be able to volunteer and help Philip or can you recommend FREE tutoring services?
If you are interested in tutoring or know of free tutoring services, please send me an email at
Thanks for your support.
Best wishes,
African Women Student Association (AWSA) Mass Meeting

What: African Women Association (AWSA) Mass Meeting
When: Tuesday, Feb. 24th, 5:30 - 7 pm
Where: Woodburn Hall 104
Why: African Women Student Association (AWSA) is a social group for all
women of any color that is interested in African Women issues and studies.
We meet bi-weekly to discuss growing issues in Africa that affect and impact
women. If you are majoring in African and African-American Diaspora Studies,
Gender Studies, African Studies, or International Studies, this group will
be a great fit into your interests. However, this group is not limited to
those majors. Come join us Tuesday, February 24th in Woodburn Hall 104 from
5:30-7 PM. We will be discussing upcoming events like African Night and
forums that we will be holding as well as eating FREE FOOD!
For more info: If you have any questions about the organization feel free to
contact Elizabeth Uduehi: or visit our Facebook group:
Indiana University-African Women Student Association.
Student Organization Ethics Board Applications –

Student Organization Ethics Board Applications – Due 2/27/09 by 5 pm
On behalf of the Student Activities Office and as Designees of the Dean of
Students we, The Student Organization’s Ethics Board, would invite you to
apply for the upcoming 2009-2010 academic year!
Acting as designees of the Dean of Students, the Student Organization Ethics
Board fosters student learning and development by holding student
organizations accountable to the IU Code of Student Rights,
Responsibilities, and Conduct. The collaborative process will enhance
student civility, character, and citizenship while building a sense of
community, responsibility, and a respect for diversity. It consists of one
board with a maximum of 15 members, all varied representations of PHA, IFC,
MCGC, NPHC, non-Greek organizations and residence hall leadership.
Members of the Student Organization Ethics Board are expected to uphold the
standards and policies of Indiana University. The ethics board members must
be willing to make tough decisions, utilize problem solving techniques, and
be able to identify in-depth problems in an organization’s culture. They
will also be asked to create educational and innovative initiatives for
student organizations found responsible.
PLEASE NOTE: The application process will include a written application due
by February 27, 2009 at 5pm (NOT March 2 as indicated on the website
application) in the Office of Students Activities or via e-mail to Laura
Whitney, Student Organizations Ethics Board Advisor at
After we have reviewed the written applications, we will ask back a second
round of applicants for interviews. A decision will be made by early May of
Please visit our website for information:
Thank you for your time and consideration. We hope that you apply for this
demanding position and help better IU’s rich tradition and responsibility of
student involvement.
PAID Student Internships, Summer 2009

The Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program Is Recruiting for 14
PAID internships! Intern Benefits:
$225 per week
Basic Medical Insurance
$800/month Housing Stipend
$100.00 Uniform Allowance
$630 Travel Expenses to/from the worksite
$1,000 Americorps Educational Award
3-day Career Workshop in Washington, D.C. (hotel, travel, and most meals
Diverse undergraduate and graduate students must submit an electronic
version of the following information to
~A cover letter (150 words or less) that includes why you want the
internship and are qualified for the position. ~Please list 2-3 internships
that you are interested in performing (see webpage)
~A resume or a curriculum vitae (1-2 pages) that includes: education; work
experience; publications or presentations; awards, scholarships, honors,
etc.; and 2-3 personal references.
~ A recent academic transcript. An unofficial one is acceptable.
~ At least one letter of reference from a professor or previous
The application deadline is March 16, 2009. For more information, visit the
CRDIP website,
<> or contact
Turkiya Lowe, Program Coordinator, at: or
Scholarship Opportunity for Males
the words of Paul Robeson: "Freedom is a hard bought thing and millions are
in chains, but they strain to the new day drawing near." The question: "With
the election of a Black President and freedom as an end goal, how are we as
African American leaders going to fulfill the social responsibility of
releasing those people who are racially and socially held captive?" Please
submit an essay that deals with the topic in a Word Document attachment with
one inch margins, double-spaced, with a minimum of 1,000 words, but no more
than 1,500 words. Cover page should include full name, campus email, campus
address, phone number, class standing, and date submitted. Essays will be
due Wednesday March 11, 2009 at 5:00 PM. Essays can be submitted via email
to or to the Neal Marshall Director's office. Those
essays chosen to compete in the oratorical contest will be notified via
email on March 23, 2009 and will present their essays in front of a panel of
judges at the Scholarship Banquet on Sunday March 29, 2009. The Oratorical
Contest winner will be awarded $500.
Getting Your Foot in the Door: Or How to Get Research Experience at IU!
6pm at the IMU Grad Pad (IMU Mezzanine Floor by the Outdoor Adventure
"Attention all Undergrads" Join us for a SACNAS Sponsored Panel Discussion.
Are you interested in research and want to join a lab but don't know how?
Are you trying to figure out if research is right for you? Are you looking
for ways to stand out when applying to medical school? Panel will be made up
of faculty and students from departments across campus (Including Chemistry,
Physics, Psychology and Biology)
IU Supreme Court Applications
Thinking about applying to law school?
If so, you may be interested in serving on the Student Body Supreme Court of
Indiana University. The Court is currently accepting applications from all
majors for Associate Justice positions for the 2009-2010 school year. You
can access the application online at
Applications are due Friday, March 6, at 5 pm and must be emailed to Please also feel free to contact the Court at this
address if you have questions.
What is the Student Body Supreme Court?
The Court is the judicial branch of IUSA. We re-hear judicial board cases
that have been appealed, acting as student representatives on 3-person
hearing commissions each made up of two professors and a student. We also
confirm the new IUSA executive administration each year and make decisions
when IUSA campaign issues arise or if results of an election are ambiguous.
We hold conferences with campus judicial boards to determine the consistency
of sanctions and are also involved in editing the Student Code.
Additionally, Court members serve on student advisory boards all over
campus. The Court is unique in that its decisions have the potential to
impact the entire Bloomington campus community. We welcome your application!
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Annual Creative Writing Contest 2009
Who can submit? The contest is open to all IUB undergraduate students.
Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, March 24, 2009.
Contest Theme:
The broad theme for the contest is "The Many Meanings of Diversity: Challenges, Paradoxes, and Opportunities." We are looking for creative examinations of issues in ethnicity, race, gender, identity, disability, age, class, religion, and diversity in the American experience through three genres in creative writing: short fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction. This year's theme is meant not only to have the contestants think about the varied definitions of diversity, but also to examine how these apply or relate to Asian Americans.
Criteria for Judging and Prizes:
The submissions will be evaluated on the creative quality of their expressions as they address this topic. Emphasis will be placed on the literary merit of the pieces in determining the winners.
Prizes for the first, second, and third place winners include:
1st Prize - IPOD Touch (16 GB) plus (reading their essay at the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month reception on March 27, 2009 at 12 noon, University Club, Indiana Memorial Union.
2nd prize - IPOD Nano
3rd prize - $100 Gift card
All winning entries will be posted in the ACC website. The winners will be announced at the APA Heritage Month Opening Lunch Reception, Friday, March 27, 2009 at 12 noon, Presidents' Room, University Club, Indiana Memorial Union.
Deadline for Submission: Tuesday, March 24, 2009.
You may submit your entries to: Asian Culture Center, 807 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47408, fax it to 856-5030 or email to
You may submit a short story, a poem, or a creative nonfiction* piece. There will be no separate winners in the three categories. The entries will be judged by a Creative Writing Program faculty member, who will select the top three winners irrespective of the genre. You may submit up to one entry for each category. Each entry should have two title pages as follows: the first should include the title, author's name, permanent address, phone number, email address, and include: "Asian Pacific American Heritage Creative Writing Contest."
The second title page should include the title only. The author's name should not appear on the manuscript except on the first title page. All submissions should use a 12-point size and should be typed or printed on a letter-quality printer. Prose (both creative nonfiction and short fiction) must be double-spaced and should not exceed 1,000 words; poetry must be single-spaced should not exceed 25 lines.
* Creative nonfiction is defined as writing that employs literary techniques and artistic vision usually associated with fiction or poetry.
Atlantic for Spring Break

* COST: $295.00
REGISTRATION STARTS: 02/24/09- 03/2/09
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
2009 HIA Summer Fellowship Program
I am writing to inform you that the application deadline for Humanity in
Action's (HIA) 2009 summer fellowship programs is coming up on February
12th. The HIA Fellowship brings together university students from the United
States and Europe for a rigorous, interdisciplinary inquiry into human
rights, diversity, and minority issues. Students participate in the
five-week fellowship in one of six different countries: Denmark, France,
Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, or the United States. Upon completing the
fellowship, Fellows join an active international network of young
professionals and are eligible for internship opportunities at the United
States Congress, European Parliament, International Criminal Tribunal for
the former Yugoslavia, and other civic and political institutions. HIA will
select 56 matriculated sophomores, juniors, and seniors from American
colleges and universities to participate in these five-week programs. Recent
university graduates (May 2007 or later) are also eligible to apply. HIA
selects its Fellows on the basis of their demonstrated commitment to
minority rights, evidence of leadership potential, and outstanding academic
achievement. To ensure participation of all qualified students, HIA pays the
full cost related to its educational programs. I hope you agree that this is
a wonderful opportunity for students from your institution and that you will
distribute the enclosed program materials liberally. HIA's online
application is available at
Math Tutors
AmeriCorps GrowIndiana program needs tutors who are able to attend the
after-school math tutoring sessions at Jackson Creek Middle School from
2:45-3:45pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays (or both!). If you don't have a car,
transportation to the school can be arranged. If you'd like to volunteer or
if you have any questions, please contact Daniel Goodin, the AmeriCorps
Tutor Coordinator, at Thanks!
The descendents of Cherokee black slaves
The Descendents of the Cherokee Freedmen: Victims of Sovereignty?"
12pm at the Eigenmann 6th Fl Room 621
Talk by Delphine Criscenzo (African American and African Diaspora Studies)
"The descendents of Cherokee black slaves have been faced with several
actions on the part of the Cherokee Nation to revoke their citizenship.
These efforts climaxed in March 2007 and have given birth to an important
wave of resistance. The Cherokee Nation says that their sovereignty as an
Indian Nation gives them the right to decide who gets to be Cherokee. On the
side of the descendents of the Cherokee Freedmen, they did not choose to be
involved with the Cherokee Nation, nor did their ancestors. Is history still
relevant or are the descendents of the Freedmen the victims of an Indian
struggle to maintain their sovereignty?"
Friday, February 6, 2009
Upcoming Presentations?
Attend the Following Workshop to Learn How to Make a Research Poster.
Monday, February 23, 2009 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Memorial Hall East (on 3rd St) 1st Floor Lounge (by room 125)
** This is a hands-on workshop. Participants will develop an initial poster design!**
Come learn how to make a poster to showcase your research. We will discuss effective poster-design techniques and show a number of example research posters from different disciplines-including winning posters from previous WISP Research Conferences. We will also discuss effective oral presentation strategies. If possible, please bring your abstract, data, charts, photos, graphs and anything else you might want your poster to emphasize or highlight. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to experienced poster presenters and get personalized feedback on poster designs. While we hope that many Women in Science Research Conference presenters will attend this workshop, all students are welcome to attend, regardless of whether or not you are presenting at the conference.
Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to
Open to all who are interested.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Spring Tutoring 2009
Hudson & Holland Tutoring ScheduleSpring 2009
Jonathon Vallejo-
Wednesdays: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall West room 002
Saturdays: By Appointment
Courses tutored: MATH-M 025, M027, M119, M211, M212, M311 (Possibly some more upper level courses)
MATHEMATICSJulian Martinez-
Tuesdays: 5:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall West room 002
Thursdays: 5:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall West room 002
Courses tutored: MATH-M 118 (Possibly some more upper level courses)
Sally Bastawros-
Mondays: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in RPS building room 217 (801 N. Jordan Ave.)
Tuesdays: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in RPS building room 217 (801 N. Jordan Ave.)
Please contact ahead of time to schedule a time slot.
Courses tutored: ECON-E201 (Possibly some more upper level courses)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Its Easy Being Green
Sustainability Careers & The Green Job Market
Thursday, February 26, 2008
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Dogwood Room, IMU
Green careers aren't just for environmental science students! Learn about
green career options for all majors, and network with green employers over
refreshments. Free and open to all students. Space is limited, so be sure to
RSVP through your myIUcareers account on
* Black residents make up 13.5 percent of the U.S. population.
(U.S. Census Bureau)
* The largest U.S. populations of Blacks are in Mississippi (38
percent) and in Louisiana (32 percent).
(U.S. Census Bureau)
* Blacks are the largest minority group in 23 states--Alabama,
Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North
Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West
Virginia and Wisconsin. They are also the largest in the District of
(U.S. Census Bureau)
* In 2007, 2.4 million Blacks were military veterans in the United
States--making them the largest minority among military veterans.
(U.S. Census Bureau)
* In the fall of 2006, 2.3 million college students were Black--an
increase of 1 million from 15 years prior.
(U.S. Census Bureau)
* Black-owned businesses totaled 1.2 million in 2002 and grossed 88.6
billion in revenue in 2002.
(U.S. Census Bureau)
* Twenty-seven percent of Blacks ages 16 and older work in management,
professional and related occupations: 49,730 black physicians and surgeons,
70,620 postsecondary teachers, 49,050 lawyers and 57,720 chief executives.
(U.S. Census Bureau)
Black History Month
made this month possible, Carter G. Woodson. As a historian, Woodson always
had a deep connection to the study of history--especially Black history. He
strongly believed that in order for African Americans to be successful in
their future, they needed to know that it was also their contributions that
helped to build this nation. Therefore, in 1915, he became a member of what
is now known as the Association for the Study of African-American Life and
History, and in 1926 he began Black History Week. The week was intended for
the observation of the birthday of Frederick Douglass and to honor the great
contributions of African Americans to the United States. The week was so
well received that it was eventually extended to a month.
Celebrate Black History Month at the Kick-off Fair on Thursday, February 5,
2009 at 5:30pm at Showers City Hall, 401 N. Morton St. The fair will include
activities for visitors of all ages, including a presentation celebrating
the 50th Anniversary of Motown Records by Dr. Charles Sykes, Director of the
African American Arts Institute at Indiana University; a presentation by the
Monroe County History Museum for children; storytelling by local actor I.
James Torry; historical information sessions about role of black
fraternities and sororities; and discussions about scholarship opportunities
and college preparation. The fair is open to the entire community and free
of charge. Refreshments will be served.
Volunteer Opportunity
Are you interested in tutoring children in the community? Here is a way in
which you can make a difference in a child’s life! The MCCSC ESL office is
looking for tutors in the evening for children ranging from Kindergarten to
12th grade. You can choose to tutor both/or either Monday or Wednesday
evening (6:00-8:00pm) at Broadview Learning Center in Bloomington! If you
are interested in making a difference in these children’s lives, please
contact Danya Greenberg at for more information or
register online at the following website : as soon as possible!
Job Opportunity
La Casa is currently looking for someone interested in working as the editor
for Breaking Borders Newsletter staring next fall. Must have work-study. The
newsletter editor will be responsible for formulating a theme of each
semester's newsletter. The editor will compile articles, pictures, etc, to
be included in the newsletter surrounding the theme; these articles may
either be contributed from students, professors, administrators, and other
individuals or may be written by the editor. The editor is expected to work
independently under the direction of the Director of La Casa; however,
he/she will also receive help from La Casa staff when necessary. If you are
interested in the position and feel you fit this description, please email
Lillian Casillas at or Adriana Figueroa at for further details or to set up an interview. You
will also have the opportunity to work closely with the editor this semester
to get exposed to the job atmosphere.
Calling All Leaders
the Council for Advancing Student Leadership
(CASL)Each year the Council for Advancing Student Leadership recognizes ten student leaders with a $500 scholarship for the hard work and dedication it takes to be a campus
leader. We are currently looking for individuals that have held a
leadership position during the 2008-2009 academic year. The requirements for
the scholarships are as follows:
- 2.7 GPA
- Currently enrolled in 12 credit hours
- Hold a leadership role in a student organization
- Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class standing
All applications must be received by Wednesday, March 25, 2009. If you
have any questions please contact CASL at 855-0974.
Beyond Slavery: Africanizing Atlantic World History
11:30 a.m. IMU Dogwood Room
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies & The Americas Series
Presents James Sweet from the Department of History at the University of
Wisconsin, Madison and Winner of the Wesley Logan Prize for Best Book on
African Diaspora History, American Historical Association, 2004
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
2009 Black Knowledge Bowl
Deadline for Registration: Friday, February 13, 2009
Black Knowledge Bowl: February 24, 2009 at 6:00 pm
N-MBCC Grand Hall
The 2009 Black Knowledge Bowl (BKB) to be held on February 24, 2009. The
Black Knowledge Bowl is hosted by the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center
(N-MBCC) during Black History Month. This year's event will take place in
the Grand Hall of the N-MBCC at 6:00pm.
Eligibility Requirements for the 2009 Black Knowledge Bowl
The BKB is a team competition. A team can consist of a minimum of three
students and maximum of four students. Each team is allowed an alternate;
the alternate contestant must be listed on the BKB team form at the time of
submission. Students eligible for this competition are:
* Enrolled as an undergraduate at Indiana University at the time of
submitting the BKB team contestant form
* Submit the attached Black Knowledge Bowl team member forms by the deadline
of Friday, February 13, 2009
This year the 2009 BKB will consist of the Jeopardy Television show format.
Students will be asked questions related to African American life, culture
and history. A study guide will be provided to all students competing in
this event. All BKB participants will receive a certificate for
participating. The winning team will receive a prize of $500.00, the 2nd
place team will receive $300.00, and the third place team will receive
$200.00. In addition, the Black Knowledge Bowl 1st place team will receive a
team trophy and have their team photo placed in the N-MBCC. Competing teams
are allowed to have team coaches. A team coach can be a student (graduate
or undergraduate) or a staff member. Teams can choose their team coach or
request to have one assigned to them by the Neal-Marshall Black Culture
Center. The team coach must be listed on the BKB form. Students employed by
the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center through work-study or graduate
assistantship are not eligible to compete on a team or serve as a team
No fee is required to register for this event. Both the Black Knowledge Bowl
Team Competition Registration Form and Black Knowledge Bowl Competition Team
Roster must be submitted to the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center office
located at 275 North Jordan Avenue Suite A226. The deadline for submission
is Friday, February 13, 2009 at 12:00p.m. You will receive a study guide
once your forms are submitted.